Saturday, November 19, 2011

In the Present Economy, How Are You Finding, Earning and Saving Money?

For the last several weeks my 17 year old nephew has been hell bent on getting a job.  I looked on my local Craigslist-Gigs Section and found someone in the same city as us that needed a hand with his lawn. 

My nephew emailed him and was told to contact him in a week.  Not only did this man live within a 5 minute drive from pur home but my nephew was paid a total of $30 for 2 and 1/2 hours of work ($12/hour).  Not bad for a first timer. 

I've noticed a need for lawn care in my sub-division as well.  Tomorrow we will scout the neighborhood to offer assistance with lawn care and to sell holiday cards.  I tell you more abou the holiday cards the next time. 

1) Start close to home.  Look around you and see if there is a need for services that you can provide.

In the Present Economy, How Are You Finding, Earning and Saving Money?

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